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Management & Leadership Series
May 28,2022
Management & Leadership Series

The development of enterprise organizations needs to constantly update the talent echelon, and as the enterprise organization grows, it is necessary to continuously promote new managers (managers). New managers are usually selected from among the best performers in non-management positions. Their excellent individual contribution performance has won them valuable promotion opportunities, while also bringing them a new challenge - how to complete the transformation of management positions. The mindset of the competencies required to achieve excellent individual performance is often not related to, and sometimes contradicts, the competencies required to achieve equally good management performance. This has left new managers generally confused as soon as they arrive, while their otherwise excellent personal performance has declined. This phenomenon has long puzzled businesses and managers.

In the long-term consulting and counseling practice, The consultants have summarized the methodology and practical skills that effectively help the new managers to complete the transformation of the management role, and help the new managers successfully complete the whole process of management role cognition and transformation by combining knowledge transfer with coaching coaching. Here we present typical new manager management role recognition and management role transformation solutions to our corporate customers for communication and reference.

Below are some of the standard courses in the Leithon Consulting Management & Leadership Series.

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